Health Videos Wonders of Wheatgrass Almond
Sprouting for Success Organic Seeds Sprouting Kit Reaching your Goals Getting Started All Access


Reaching your goals requires making changes in your life. Any change, no matter how large or small, comes with obstacles that are ready to stand in your way. With close to 15 years of experience as a personal trainer, nutrition consultant and health educator, I have worked with clients of all ages and levels. This has allowed me to identify three major obstacles that you must overcome to achieve a succesful outcome. And so here are the...

three main reasons that you may have failed in the past,
and how we will help you to overcome these challenges:

  1. You did not realize the amount of work it takes to make even the smallest of changes in your life. Solution: Stop looking for a magic pill, and be prepared to do the work.

    All popular diets advertised in the media make it look easy; just take a pill or a special cookie and you will achieve results. I am now going to type something that will run the risk of having you leave this website immediately, thus losing you as a client forever: everything that I will help you achieve will at first require lots of hard work and dedication. We are here to guide you, to remove the guess work, and to do all that we can for you to succeed- but first you must be ready to accept the initial amount of work it will take on your part. The challenges involved in 10-day miracle programs or calorie restriction diets, although perhaps difficult physically, do not even come close to the work that is required to achieve real changes; such as modifying how you perceive food and your habits associated to eating.

    You have to break down every element from how you do your grocery shopping to how you organize your fridge, to what you eat when you are on the run and, perhaps most difficult, to understanding how you associate food to your emotions as well as your psychological and social well being.

    Change is hard but we are here to guide you to success one step at a time. I promise that once you do the work it will become easy for you to achieve and also to maintain a great body for life- something that quick fix plans will never achieve. We will be honest in what you need to do to achieve your goals. True change can only come from empowerment and accountability. We are not going to sell you pre-packaged cookie-cutter solutions- everything we do is geared towards you gaining a greater understanding of your body and what it takes to achieve super results.

  2. Once you realized the amount of work it takes you did not want to go through with it. Solution: Invest in yourself; your health is a priority.

    I don't blame you on this one. I dedicate my life's work to learning everything I can about food and exercise to be able to break it down to my clients. You, on the other hand, may have other important responsabilities in your life that take a lot of your time. This is another reason why you may have fallen prey to those commericalized health systems that look simple, take your money and ultimately do nothing but harm to your health. We are here to teach and empower you in every way possible. We break the process down for you into simple steps and provide you with the tools you need to help turn your goals into reality. Every client has a different schedule as well as different challenges- this is not a one size fits all solution- we work with you, when you want it, to help guide you in a way that will allow you to make the smoothest transition to a healthier life.

  3. Change is painful at first. Solution: Accept this fact, get through it and succeed.

    Ok, so you acknowledged how much work it takes to start making healthy changes in your life and you made the commitment and began the process. There is one thing that you may not have taken into consideration and it may have lead to your demise: change is painful! Any change we make, even as simple as changing a few eating habits, can be painful. We are creatures of habit and we handle stress, or any other resistance in our lives, by going back to our comfort zones. To change, to really and truly change, is painful at first because it means letting go. You must be ready to become that healthy, energetic person and to leave the old you behind no matter what life throws at you.

    Simply accepting the fact that YOU CAN achieve great results is difficult because it means that YOU are responsible for it- you can't blame your genes, your kids, or your busy work schedule....you have all it takes to succeed. We understand the process and, once again, we will offer complete honesty and a customized plan of action so that if you do take two steps back we have already planned your three steps forward.

I wish you the courage to make all the changes that are important in your life.

Marc Jaoude
Health & Wellness Educator

Health Videos Wonders of Wheatgrass Almond
Sprouting for Success Organic Seeds Sprouting Kit Reaching your Goals Getting Started All Access